Control and Flexibility in the management of medical schedules

Busca Plantão is the effective solution to manage your medical teams and their respective shifts.

Selecting professionals is a difficult task, but it can be done in an agile, practical and, above all, simple way.

For professionals, it is extremely important to manage time and finances well.

The goal

When we were approached, the staff from Busca already had an initial conception of what they wanted in the tool, but everything was still very initial and with few definitions and flow optimizations. Our initial objective was to identify the relevant difficulties of those activities, to understand which functionalities were in fact necessary and which ones would bring even more confusion in this process. During the analysis we identified that the calendar format was then the most common way to view these job allocations, primarily so that it displayed the entire month. Analyzing the profile built through meetings between the development team and the company’s team, we highlighted aspects of the personality of health professionals that were as assertive as possible to guide the construction of a tool that, in addition to being efficient, would be useful to them in other ways .

Wireframes and Low Fidelity Prototype

After collecting the data and analyzing the perspectives and information, a process of idealizing what could meet the needs of the company and its customers in a faster and more efficient way began. For this, a low-fidelity prototype was built that designated which functions should actually be in this product considering the needs of professionals and the company’s team, this model was built in collaboration with those responsible for the project, making it more fluid and creating a bond of affinity between all those involved.

Access the prototype of the application in the links:

The difficulties

There was a lack of guidance on the functionalities

little visual consistency

Geolocation needs

Need for identity validation

Hospitals suffer from doctor turnover and often need to reallocate professionals quickly. Which often generates costs for the administration. Looking for available professionals is always difficult because of the schedules and being able to pre-establish values ​​was something they wanted.

It is always difficult for physicians to reconcile their schedules and it was not yet possible to integrate the hospital spreadsheets with a shared personal schedule. This led to delays and absences. The lack of predictability about remuneration also complicated the decision of physicians when applying for shifts

The Solution

Thinking about hospitals, we offer them complete control of scales, amounts paid to professionals, employees. The solution presented, in addition to optimizing the process of allocating and managing professionals for the team, also brought interactivity to the process, facilitating understanding and adaptation to the new tool.

Flexibility and control

Organizational Dashboards with options for multiple hospitals, companies with overall control of the institution.

HR and Accounting

Control of expenditures, costs and inputs and complete management of employees and professionals.

Scale control

Management of shift workers, days off, absences. Allocation of values ​​and definition of vacancies. Application processes and professional review.

Documentation and Protocols

Complete collection of documentation and hospital protocols available by institution, and grouping of WHO protocols.

For medical professionals

In the professionals’ interface, we were careful to mirror the functionalities and create a scale viewer that was efficient and ensured that the professional felt in control. In addition to the web version, we also made available a mobile version where it was possible to check in and check out shifts in real time.

The results

The On-call search is currently used by several hospitals and medical clinics in the region and has been highly accepted by companies. As a result, their team grew and today they are a company of great national weight.

Were you curious?

Access the application prototype or download directly from the Play Store or App Store